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" in Tcl, T:252
$ in Tcl, T:253
; in Tcl, T:252
[] in Tcl, T:252, T:253
\ in Tcl, T:253
{} in Tcl, T:252
# in Tcl, T:254

Top of Page


AbsMaxToReturn parameter, A:226
Accept header
sending server-parsed HTML source with, G:10
Access checking procedures
registering C functions for, C:3
Access control, A:133
C functions for, C:24
configuration, A:134
small vs. large model, A:103
Tcl functions for, T:65
Tcl scripts for, A:134
Access log
backing up, A:173
C functions for, C:28
file name for, A:99
maximum number of, A:99, A:102
rolling, A:100, A:101, A:102
Tcl functions for, T:65
writing headers to, A:98
writing referring URL to, A:99
writing user-agent to, A:99
ACME bike parts example application, A:217
Address parameter, A:37, A:102, A:106, A:109
ADPs, T:5
C functions for, C:39, T:17
caching, A:88, A:89, A:90, A:92, T:9
compared to server-parsed HTML, T:5
configuring, A:78, T:7
debugging, A:86, T:9
examples of, T:18
syntax for, T:13
Tcl functions for, T:16
Advanced configuration parameters, A:30
Aliases, for methods, A:155, A:157
AllowRoot parameter, A:59
Alpha OSF platform
compiling C code on, C:6
multiple IP addresses for, A:39
threads interface, C:32
AOLserver Dynamic Pages
see ADPs
append Tcl function, T:255
Archive parameter, A:110, A:228
Archiving, A:223, A:228
enabling, A:110
ArenaFile parameter, A:120
ArenaMktemp parameter, A:120
ArenaSwapFile parameter, A:120
registered operations, C:1
array Tcl function, T:256
Assets directory, A:69
Assets parameter, A:69
Asynchronous parameter, A:113
ATG's Dynamo Server
configuring, A:129
AUTH_TYPE environment variable, G:18
AutoClose parameter, A:86
and linked interpreters, T:51
AutoGrow parameter, A:120
AutoIncr input type, A:206
AutoLinking, A:223
Automatic increment, A:206
AutoResv parameter, A:120
AuxConfigDir parameter, A:59

Top of Page


Backslash substitution in Tcl, T:253
access log, A:173
bin directory, A:174
Illustra database, A:175
pages directory, A:171
server log, A:173
Tcl scripts, A:174
Basic configuration parameters, A:30
Basic icon
in setup server, A:30
bin directory
backing up, A:174
Boolean fields
in forms, A:186
in search forms, A:188
Boolean values
in configuration file, A:58
Braces in Tcl, T:252
Brackets in Tcl, T:252, T:253
break Tcl function, T:258
BROWSE method, A:155
Browser type, G:20
Buffer size
setting for sockets, A:107
Bug Tracker example application, A:217

Top of Page


data structures for, C:17
examples of, C:7, C:347
function categories, C:16
function reference, C:39
using, C:1, C:3, C:5
version 2.1 features, A:17
C modules
creating, C:5
extending AOLserver with, C:3, C:5
CacheADP parameter, A:89
CacheStatic parameter, A:89
CacheTcl parameter, A:89
ADPs, A:88, A:89, A:90, A:92, T:9
HTML, A:88, A:89
static files, A:91
Tcl, A:88, A:89, T:88
Case sensitivity
of headers, A:72
case Tcl function, T:259
Catalog example application, A:217
catch Tcl function, T:260
CatchExceptions parameter, A:59
cd Tcl function, T:261
CertFile parameter, A:109
Certification authority, A:165
Certification file for SSL, A:109, A:165, A:167
CGI, G:11
command line access, G:18
configuration parameters, A:80
configuring, G:13
debugging, G:28
environment for, A:80, A:119
environment variable access, G:18
example configuration file for, A:122
examples, G:28
extensions for, A:80
including results in a page, G:4
input to, G:18
interpreters for, A:118
mappings for, A:81
output from, G:24
programming languages for, G:27
security for, G:27
size of non-parsed headers, A:81
standard input access, G:24
URL specifications for, G:16
using, G:16, G:27
CheckExitCode parameter, A:60
CheckInterval parameter, A:60, A:69
CheckModifiedSince parameter, A:69
CheckStats parameter, A:70
CheckStatsInterval parameter, A:71
ClientDebug parameter, A:86
close Tcl function, T:262
automatic increment for, A:206
boolean, A:186
C functions for, C:38
customizations, A:203
date and time, A:186
default value for, A:204
description of, A:204
display type for, A:206
image URL in, A:206
indexes for, A:203
input type, A:205
input widget for, A:205
mailto address in, A:206
Money display type, A:207
money type, A:206
ordering, A:203
radio field for, A:205
record value in, A:207
selection box for, A:205
SQL for column values, A:205
textarea for, A:205
type checking for, A:186
URL as column value, A:206
Combined log format, A:99
Command line, A:5
examples for, A:6
Command substitution in Tcl, T:253
Comments in Tcl, T:254
Compiling C code, C:5
concat Tcl function, T:263
#config command, G:3
Configuration, A:21
Setup server, A:25
version 2.3 features, A:10
when server startup fails, A:26, A:31
Configuration file
boolean values in, A:58
C functions for, C:28
editing sections of from setup server, A:31
examples of, A:120
parameter reference, A:58
structure of, A:53
Connection statistics example
in C, C:8, C:366
database, A:22, A:117
Connections parameter, A:43, A:116
Content-encoding header, G:26
CONTENT_LENGTH environment variable, G:19
CONTENT_TYPE environment variable, G:19
Content-type header, G:26
continue Tcl function, T:264
ContinueOnError parameter, A:67
Core functions for Tcl, T:60
Counter example
in C, C:359
CreatMode parameter, A:71
Critical section example
in C, C:375
CSV format
downloading, A:213
uploading, A:215

Top of Page


Data structures
C functions for, C:17
definition of, A:182
Database drivers
C example for, C:378
configuring, A:112
developing, C:391
external, developing, C:400
internal vs. external, C:393
internal, developing, C:395
loading, A:43
specifying for pool, A:116
Database proxy daemons, A:218
remote, A:220
Database services, A:181, A:189
C functions for, C:36
configuration parameters, A:81
Tcl functions for, T:66
version 2.1 features, A:13
DataSource parameter, A:43
Datasource parameter, A:116
Datatype checking
in forms, A:186
Date and time fields
in forms, A:186
in search forms, A:188
DATE_GMT variable, G:7
DATE_LOCAL variable, G:7
current, G:7
format in SHTML, G:6
of last file modification, G:5
of last page modification, G:7, G:9
DbPool parameter, A:110
Debug parameter, A:60, A:106, A:109
CGI, G:28
socket connection, A:106
SSL connection, A:109
Tcl by client, A:86
Default parameter, A:65, A:83
Default value for column, A:204
DefaultExpires parameter, A:90, A:91
DefaultPool parameter, A:46, A:81
DELETE method, A:155
Desctable example
in Tcl, T:359
detach Tcl command, T:53
access control, A:103
assets, A:69
bin, A:174
CGI programs, A:81
for log files, A:102
installation (home), A:60
listings of, A:71, A:72
maintenance of, A:171
modules, A:61
pages, A:75, A:171, A:172
Tcl scripts, A:87, A:174
Directory parameter, A:102, A:103
Directory permissions on Unix, A:75
DirectoryFile parameter, A:71
DirectoryListing parameter, A:71
Display type for columns, A:206
extending AOLserver with, C:3, C:5
DNSCache parameter, A:60
DNSCachePurgeInterval parameter, A:60
DNSCacheTimeout parameter, A:60
DOCUMENT_NAME variable, G:7
DOCUMENT_URI variable, G:7
Dollar signs in Tcl, T:253
DoStat parameter, A:90, A:91, A:92
Double quotes in Tcl, T:252
Downloading SQL for table definition, A:212
Downloading table data, A:213
Driver parameter, A:116
Dynamo Server
configuring, A:129
DynamoFileExts parameter, A:94
DynamoHost parameter, A:94
DynamoPort parameter, A:94
DynamoTimeout parameter, A:94
DynamoUrl parameter, A:94
DynamoVerbose parameter, A:94

Top of Page


#echo command, G:3
ElevateAcceptPriority parameter, A:72
sending to value in column, A:206
sending when records inserted, updated, or deleted, A:200
SMTP server for, A:61
webmaster address, A:77
EnableAdmin parameter, A:86
Enabled parameter, A:67
EnableHostnameLookup parameter, A:98, A:103
EnableTclpages parameter, A:72
End-to-end Tcl extension example, T:37
Entry forms, A:185
example of, A:185
form data for, T:57
using, A:185
Entry results
templates for, A:196
env Tcl command, T:69
env variable, T:338
Environment for CGI, A:80, A:119
Environment parameter, A:80
Environment variables
accessing from CGI, G:18
including in a page, G:3
eof Tcl function, T:265
error Tcl function, T:266
customized URLs for, A:75, A:76, A:77
database, A:118
logging debug messages, A:106, A:109
setup server, A:31
verbose, A:77, A:118
viewing server log, A:33
eval Tcl function, T:267
C API, C:7, C:347
CGI, G:28
command line, A:6
database applications, A:217
server-parsed HTML, G:8
Tcl API, T:35, T:54, T:349
examples directory, C:347, T:349
EXCEPTION_CODE_MAX constant, C:404
EXCEPTION_MSG_MAX constant, C:404
#exec command, G:4
exec Tcl function, T:268
exit Tcl function, T:271
Expert icon
in setup server, A:30
Expires header, G:26
expr Tcl function, T:272
ExtendedHeaders parameter, A:98
ExtendedTableInfo parameter, A:116, A:194
External database drivers, A:218
configuring, A:112, A:114, A:219, A:220

Top of Page


Feature list, A:2
version 2.1, A:7
File location
including in a page, G:7
File name
including in a page, G:7
File parameter, A:99
File permissions on Unix, A:64, A:71
File size
including in a page, G:5
file Tcl function, T:277
FileLocking parameter, A:72
#flastmod command, G:5
flush Tcl function, T:280
FlushContent parameter, A:72
FlushQueue parameter, A:72
adding to pages, G:9
for Tcl function, T:281
ForbiddenResponse parameter, A:72
foreach Tcl function, T:282
Form data, T:54, T:55
operations for managing, A:183
format Tcl function, T:283
Formats for date and time, G:6
Forms, A:183
automatic generation of, A:184
boolean fields in, A:186
customizing, A:188
date and time fields in, A:186
running CGI programs with, G:16
templates for, A:196
type checking in, A:186
URLs for automatically-generated forms, A:184
#fsize command, G:5
FTP access, A:159
FtpAddress parameter, A:95
FtpAdminEmailAddr parameter, A:95
FtpAllowAnonymous parameter, A:95
FtpAllowChangeMode parameter, A:95
FtpAllowKeepAlive parameter, A:95
FtpAnonRootDir parameter, A:96
FtpClientTimeout parameter, A:96
FtpDataConnTimeout parameter, A:96
FtpHostname parameter, A:96
FtpMaxAnonUsers parameter, A:96
FtpMaxSysUsers parameter, A:96
FtpPasvCloseLinger parameter, A:96
FtpPasvPortMax parameter, A:96
FtpPasvPortMin parameter, A:96
FtpPort parameter, A:97
FtpRootDir parameter, A:97
FtpRunServerTraces parameter, A:97
FtpSysLog parameter, A:97
FtpSystemUser parameter, A:97
FtpTcpWrappers parameter, A:97
FtpTmpDir parameter, A:98
FtpXferLog parameter, A:98
Full text, A:223
configuring, A:47
Tcl functions for, T:67
Full text forms
customizing, A:227
templates for, A:227

Top of Page


GATEWAY_INTERFACE environment variable, G:19
Genstory example
in Tcl, T:37, T:352, T:355
GET method, A:155
Getemps example
in Tcl, T:361
GetHostByAddr parameter, A:80
gets Tcl function, T:287
Gid parameter, A:60
glob Tcl function, T:288
global Tcl function, T:290
GlobalInclude parameter, A:78, T:8, T:78, T:79
Greenwich Mean Time, G:7
Group name on Unix, A:60
Group number on Unix, A:60
Group parameter, A:60
Groups, A:134
adding, A:141
deleting, A:143
modifying users in, A:142
updating, A:144

Top of Page


Hash character in Tcl, T:254
HEAD method, A:155
Headercase parameter, A:72
case of, A:72
HTTP, G:25
maximum line length, A:73
maximum size of, A:73
non-parsed, for CGI, A:81
writing to access log, A:98
hello Tcl command example
in C, C:374
Hello World example
in C, C:7, C:348
in Tcl, T:35, T:350
for setup server, A:30
HideDotFiles parameter, A:72
HideSource parameter, A:78, T:8
history Tcl function, T:291
Hit lists, A:188
Home directory, A:60
home directory
default, A:103
Home parameter, A:60
Hostname parameter, A:27, A:106, A:109
enabling lookup from IP address, A:98, A:103
for SSL, A:109
for nsadmin user, A:153
HP/UX platform
compiling C code on, C:6
multiple IP addresses for, A:39
threads interface, C:32
HTML caching, A:88, A:89
HTTP complete response
C functions for, C:25
Tcl example of, T:40
HTTP headers, G:25
C functions for, C:25
Tcl example of, T:54, T:351
HTTP low-level connection
C functions for, C:27
HTTP simple response
C functions for, C:26
Tcl example of, T:357
HTTP_ACCEPT environment variable, G:19
HTTP_FROM environment variable, G:19
HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE environment variable, G:19
HttpKeepAliveTimeout, A:106
HTTP_REFERER environment variable, G:20
HTTP_USER_AGENT environment variable, G:20

Top of Page


if Tcl function, T:294
If-Modified-Since headers
ignoring, A:69
IgnoreErrors parameter, A:79, T:9
Illustra database
backing up, A:175
maintenance of, A:174
restoring, A:177
used for full-text features, A:223
vacuuming, A:174
Illustra database driver, A:181
configuring, A:112
example configuration file, A:125
illustra parameter, A:112
Illustra proxy daemon, A:218
ImageURL display type, A:206
#include command, G:4
incr Tcl function, T:295
Increment, automatic, A:206
Index parameter, A:110
Indexes for columns, A:203
Indexing pages, A:110, A:223
info Tcl function, T:296
of permissions, A:145
of URLs in operations, C:2
InitScript parameter, A:86
InitSize parameter, A:120
InitUsers parameter, A:120
Input input type, A:205
Input type for column, A:205
Input widget for columns, A:205
INSERT statements for table data, A:214
Installation directory, A:60
for CGI, A:118
for Tcl, T:51
Interps parameter, A:80
IP addresses
for remote connect requests, A:102
for sockets, A:106
for SSL, A:109
lookup to hostname, A:98
lookup with DNS cache, A:60
multiple, A:39
IP addresseslookup to hostname, A:103
ISINDEX tag, G:16, G:18, G:21

Top of Page


Java Servlet API
configuring, A:131
JavaClassPath parameter, A:104
JavaHome parameter, A:104
join Tcl function, T:299

Top of Page


KeepAlive parameter, A:106, A:109
KeyFile parameter, A:109

Top of Page


lappend Tcl function, T:300
Large model
for access control, A:103
LASTMOD variable, G:9
format for, A:76
LAST_MODIFIED variable, G:7
Library parameter, A:87, T:30
library Tcl function, T:301
Light bulb icon
in setup server, A:30
lindex Tcl function, T:305
Linked interpreters for Tcl, T:51
running CGI programs with, G:16
linsert Tcl function, T:306
Linux platform
compiling C code on, C:7
multiple IP addresses for, A:40
threads interface, C:32
list Tcl function, T:307
ListenBacklog parameter, A:60, A:106, A:109
llength Tcl function, T:308
LocalDaemon parameter, A:114
Location header, G:26
Location parameter, A:107
Locking pages, A:72
read/write, C:29, T:190
LogBusyRequests parameter, A:107
LogCombined parameter, A:99
LogExpanded parameter, A:60
LogMaxBackup parameter, A:60
LogPid parameter, A:61
LogQueryOnTclError parameter, A:73
LogRefer parameter, A:99
LogRoll parameter, A:61
LogServer parameter, A:61
LogSQLErrors parameter, A:116
LogTid parameter parameter, A:61
LogTime parameter, A:61
LogUserAgent parameter, A:99
LowMemorySleep parameter, A:61
lrange Tcl function, T:309
lreplace Tcl function, T:310
lsearch Tcl function, T:311
lsort Tcl function, T:312

Top of Page


MailHost parameter, A:61
Mailto display type, A:206
Maintaining state, T:58
configuring, A:111
Tcl functions for, T:64
Illustra database, A:174
server, A:171
Map parameter, A:78, A:81, A:85, G:4, T:8
MaxBackup parameter, A:99, A:102
MaxBusyThreads parameter, A:73
MaxCallDepth parameter, A:79, T:9
MaxEntry parameter, A:90, A:91
MaxExpires parameter, A:90
MaxHeaders parameter, A:73
MaxIdle parameter, A:117
MaxInput parameter, A:81
MaxLine parameter, A:73
MaxOpen parameter, A:117
MaxPost parameter, A:73
MaxSize parameter, A:90, A:91
MaxStartThreads parameter, A:61
MaxStartWait parameter, A:61
MaxStopWait parameter, A:61
Maxthreads parameter, A:74
MaxWait parameter, A:74
Memory allocation
C functions for, C:16
aliases for, A:155
deleting aliases for, A:157
updating aliases for, A:157
MIME icons
C functions for, C:28
configuration parameters, A:81
configuring, A:65
MIME types
C functions for, C:28
configuration parameters, A:83
configuring, A:49, A:65
default, A:65, A:83
for files with no extension, A:65, A:83
MinBusyThreads parameter, A:74
permissions for, A:146
MinThreadAge parameter, A:74
Minthreads parameter, A:74
MiParams parameter, A:113
MKDIR method, A:155
MkdirMode parameter, A:75
Model parameter, A:103
Modification date
including in a page, G:5, G:7, G:9
ModuleDirectory parameter, A:61
adding to virtual server, A:41
configuration parameters, A:87
definition of, A:24
diagram of, A:25
list of, A:24
Money display type, A:207
Money input type, A:206
Money type for columns, A:206
Multiple IP addresses, A:39
Multiple virtual servers
example configuration file, A:122
C functions for, C:31
maximum number of threads, A:74
minimum number of threads, A:74
minimum thread lifetime, A:74
number of threads to start server with, A:61
SGI IRIX configuration, A:119
Tcl functions for, T:65
thread stack size, A:64
vendor-specific, C:32

Top of Page


NcgiClassPath parameter, A:104
NcgiEnvPath parameter, A:104
NcgiHost parameter, A:104
NcgiPort parameter, A:104
NcgiTimeout parameter, A:104
NCSA combined log format, A:99
Newlines in Tcl, T:252
NoExtension parameter, A:65, A:83
Non-parsed header for CGI, A:81
NotFoundResponse parameter, A:75
NoticeBackground parameter, A:75
NoticeBgColor parameter, A:75
ns.h header file, C:5
Ns_AbsoluteUrl C function, C:40
ns_accesslog Tcl function, T:70
example of, T:192
nsadmin user
and access control, A:133
valid hosts for, A:153
ns_adminlink Tcl function, T:71
ns_adp_abort Tcl function, T:72
ns_adp_argc Tcl function, T:73
ns_adp_argv Tcl function, T:74
ns_adp_bind_args Tcl function, T:75
ns_adp_break Tcl function, T:76
ns_adp_dir Tcl function, T:77
ns_adp_include Tcl function, T:78
ns_adp_parse Tcl function, T:79
Ns_AdpParseBuffer C function, C:41
Ns_AdpParseFile C function, C:42
Ns_AdpParseFp C function, C:43
Ns_AllocThreadLocalStorage C function, C:45
ns_archivetable Tcl function, T:80
ns_atclose Tcl function, T:81
ns_atshutdown Tcl function, T:82
ns_atsignal Tcl function, T:83
Ns_AuthorizeRequest C function, C:46
Ns_BeginDetachedThread C function, C:47
Ns_BeginThread C function, C:48
Ns_BroadcastEvent C function, C:49
ns_browsermatch Tcl function, T:84
ns_buildsqldate Tcl function, T:85
ns_buildsqltime Tcl function, T:86
ns_buildsqltimestamp Tcl function, T:87
nscache module
configuring, A:88, A:89
ns_cache Tcl function, T:88
Ns_Calloc C function, C:50
ns_chmod Tcl function, T:92
Ns_ClearSockErrno C function, C:51
ns_column Tcl function, T:93
example of, T:43, T:360
ns_config Tcl function, T:94
example of, T:361, T:362, T:363
Ns_ConfigGetBool C function, C:52
Ns_ConfigGetInt C function, C:53
example of, C:369
Ns_ConfigGetPath C function, C:54
example of, C:352, C:353, C:360, C:369
Ns_ConfigGetSection C function, C:55
example of, C:353
Ns_ConfigGetSections C function, C:56
Ns_ConfigGetValue C function, C:57
example of, C:353, C:360
Ns_ConfigGetValueExact C function, C:58
Ns_Conn structure, C:20
ns_conn Tcl function, T:95
example of, T:38, T:55, T:351, T:358, T:359, T:363, T:364
maximum HTTP POST size, A:73
Ns_ConnAuthPasswd C function, C:59
Ns_ConnAuthUser C function, C:60
Ns_ConnClose C function, C:61
Ns_ConnCondSetHeaders C function, C:62
Ns_ConnContentLength C function, C:63
Ns_ConnCopyToDString C function, C:64
Ns_ConnCopyToFdWithQuota C function, C:65
Ns_ConnCopyToFile C function, C:66
Ns_ConnDriverContext C function, C:67
Ns_ConnDriverName C function, C:68
Ns_ConnFlushHeaders C function, C:69
example of, C:364
Ns_ConnGetQuery C function, C:70
maximum HTTP POST size, A:73
Ns_ConnGets C function, C:71
Ns_ConnHeaders C function, C:72
Ns_ConnHost C function, C:73
Ns_ConnLocation C function, C:74
Ns_ConnModifiedSince C function, C:75
Ns_ConnPeer C function, C:76
Ns_ConnPort C function, C:77
Ns_ConnPrintfHeader C function, C:78
Ns_ConnPuts C function, C:79
Ns_ConnRead C function, C:80
Ns_ConnReadLine C function, C:81
Ns_ConnReplaceHeaders C function, C:82
Ns_ConnResponseLength C function, C:83
example of, C:370
Ns_ConnResponseStatus C function, C:84
Ns_ConnReturnAdminNotice C function, C:85
Ns_ConnReturnBadRequest C function, C:86
example of, C:363
Ns_ConnReturnData C function, C:87
Ns_ConnReturnFile C function, C:88
Ns_ConnReturnForbidden C function, C:89
Ns_ConnReturnHtml C function, C:90
example of, C:349
Ns_ConnReturnInternalError C function, C:91
example of, C:363
Ns_ConnReturnNoResponse C function, C:92
Ns_ConnReturnNotFound C function, C:93
Ns_ConnReturnNotice C function, C:94
example of, C:372
Ns_ConnReturnNotImplemented C function, C:95
Ns_ConnReturnNotModified C function, C:96
Ns_ConnReturnOk C function, C:97
Ns_ConnReturnOpenFd C function, C:98
Ns_ConnReturnOpenFile C function, C:99
Ns_ConnReturnProxyNotice C function, C:100
Ns_ConnReturnRedirect C function, C:103
Ns_ConnReturnStatus C function, C:104
Ns_ConnReturnUnauthorized C function, C:105
Ns_ConnSendFd C function, C:106
Ns_ConnSendFp C function, C:107
Ns_ConnServer C function, C:108
example of, C:362
Ns_ConnSetExpiresHeader C function, C:109
Ns_ConnSetHeaders C function, C:110
Ns_ConnSetLastModifiedHeader C function, C:111
Ns_ConnSetLengthHeader C function, C:112
Ns_ConnSetRequiredHeaders C function, C:113
example of, C:364
Ns_ConnSetTypeHeader C function, C:114
Ns_ConnWrite C function, C:115
example of, C:365
ns_cp Tcl function, T:97
ns_cpfp Tcl function, T:98
ns_critsec Tcl function, T:99
ns_crypt Tcl function, T:100
nsd command line, A:5, A:26
ns_db Tcl function, T:101
example of, T:43, T:45, T:359, T:361
Ns_Db0or1Row C function, C:116
Ns_Db1Row C function, C:117
Ns_DbAddColumnInfo C function, C:118
example of, C:386
Ns_DbBestRowId C function, C:119
Ns_DbBindRow C function, C:120
Ns_DbBouncePool C function, C:121
Ns_DbCancel C function, C:122
Ns_DbCloseDb C function, C:123
Ns_DbColumName C function, C:126
Ns_DbColumnCount C function, C:124
Ns_DbColumnIndex C function, C:125
Ns_DbColumnType C function, C:127
Ns_DbColumnValue C function, C:128
ns_dbconfigpath Tcl function, T:105
example of, T:361
Ns_DbDML C function, C:129
Ns_DbDriverName C function, C:130, C:150
example of, C:388
Ns_DbDup C function, C:131
ns_dberrorcode Tcl function, T:106
ns_dberrormsg Tcl function, T:106
Ns_DbExec C function, C:132
Ns_DbFlush C function, C:133
ns_dbformvalue Tcl function, T:107
ns_dbformvalueput Tcl function, T:108
Ns_DbFreeTableInfo C function, C:134
example of, C:386
Ns_DbGetRow C function, C:135
example of, C:387
Ns_DbGetTableInfo C function, C:136
Ns_DbInitialized C function, C:137
Ns_DbNewTableInfo C function, C:138
example of, C:386
Ns_DbOpenDb C function, C:139, C:152
Ns_DbPoolAllowable C function, C:140
Ns_DbPoolDescription C function, C:141
Ns_DbPoolGetHandle C function, C:142, C:143, C:147
Ns_DbPoolGetMultipleHandles C function, C:143
Ns_DbPoolList C function, C:144
Ns_DbPoolPutHandle C function, C:145
Ns_DbPoolTimedGetHandle C function, C:146
Ns_DbPoolTimedGetMultipleHandles C function, C:147
ns_dbquotename Tcl function, T:109
Ns_DbQuoteValue C function, C:148
ns_dbquotevalue Tcl function, T:110
Ns_DbRegisterDriver C function, C:149
example of, C:380
Ns_DbReturnError C function, C:150
ns_dbreturnerror Tcl function, T:106
Ns_DbSelect C function, C:151
example of, C:386, C:387
Ns_DbSetException C function, C:152
Ns_DbTableDescription C function, C:153
Ns_DbTableExists C function, C:154
Ns_DbTableList C function, C:155
Ns_DbTableName C function, C:156
Ns_DbTableValue C function, C:157
Ns_DecodeUrl C function, C:158
Ns_DeleteFileWithQuota C function, C:159
ns_deleterow Tcl function, T:111
Ns_DestroyCriticalSection C function, C:160
Ns_DestroyEvent C function, C:161
Ns_DestroyMutex C function, C:162
example of, C:373
Ns_DestroyRWLock C function, C:163
Ns_DestroySemaphore C function, C:164
nsdp command line, A:6
Ns_DString structure, C:19
Ns_DStringAppend C function, C:165
example of, C:355, C:357, C:360, C:363, C:364, C:372, C:376, C:382, C:387
Ns_DStringExport C function, C:166
example of, C:353, C:361
Ns_DStringFree, C:361
Ns_DStringFree C function, C:167
example of, C:354, C:355, C:361, C:363, C:365, C:372, C:377, C:383, C:386
Ns_DStringInit C function, C:168
example of, C:353, C:354, C:360, C:363, C:372, C:376, C:382, C:386, C:387
Ns_DStringLength C function, C:169
Ns_DStringNAppend C function, C:170
example of, C:383, C:388
Ns_DStringPrintf C function, C:171
example of, C:364, C:372
Ns_DStringTrunc C function, C:172
example of, C:354
Ns_DStringValue C function, C:173
Ns_DStringVarAppend C function, C:174
example of, C:353, C:355, C:372, C:386
nsdynamo module
configuring, A:88, A:129
Ns_EncodeUrl C function, C:176
Ns_Encrypt C function, C:177
Ns_EnterCriticalSection C function, C:178
example of, C:377
ns_entryform Tcl function, T:112
ns_entrywidget Tcl function, T:113
ns_entrywidgetbytype Tcl function, T:114
ns_eval Tcl function, T:115
ns_event Tcl function, T:116
ns_ext Tcl function, T:117
Ns_Fatal C function, C:179
Ns_FetchPage C function, C:180
Ns_FetchURL C function, C:181
ns_findrowbyid Tcl function, T:119
ns_fmttime Tcl function, T:120
ns_formvalueput Tcl function, T:122
Ns_Free C function, C:182
ns_free C function
example of, C:358, C:373, C:382
nsftp module, A:159
configuring, A:88, A:95, A:160
ns_ftruncate Tcl function, T:123
Ns_GetConnInterp C function, C:184
ns_getcsv Tcl function, T:124
ns_getform Tcl function, T:125
Ns_GetHostByAddr C function, C:185
Ns_GetMimeType C function, C:257
ns_get_multipart_formdata Tcl function, T:126
Ns_GetRequest C function, C:186
Ns_GetSockErrno C function, C:187
Ns_GetThread C function, C:188
Ns_GetThreadId C function, C:189
Ns_GetThreadLocalStorage C function, C:190
ns_geturl Tcl function, T:127
Ns_GetUserHome C function, C:191
example of, C:357
ns_gifsize Tcl function, T:128
ns_group Tcl function, T:129
ns_guesstype Tcl function, T:130
ns_hiliteurl Tcl function, T:132
Ns_HomePath C function, C:192
ns_hostbyaddr Tcl function, T:133
ns_hrefs Tcl function, T:134
ns_htmlselect Tcl function, T:135
ns_htmltoquery Tcl function, T:136
ns_httpget Tcl function, T:137
ns_httpopen Tcl function, T:138
Ns_HttpTime C function, C:193
ns_httptime Tcl function, T:139
ns_ill Tcl function, T:140
ns_info Tcl function, T:141
example of, T:41, T:363
Ns_InfoBuildDate C function, C:194
Ns_InfoConfigFile C function, C:195
Ns_InfoHomePath C function, C:196, C:197
Ns_InfoServerName C function, C:198
Ns_InfoServerVersion C function, C:199
Ns_InitializeCriticalSection C function, C:200
example of, C:376
Ns_InitializeEvent C function, C:201
Ns_InitializeMutex C function, C:202
example of, C:368
Ns_InitializeRWLock C function, C:203
Ns_InitializeSemaphore C function, C:205
Ns_InitializeThreads C function, C:206
ns_insertrow Tcl function, T:143
ns_intervalstats Tcl function, T:144
Ns_LeaveCriticalSection C function, C:207
example of, C:377
ns_library Tcl function, T:146
ns_link Tcl function, T:147
ns_localsqltimestamp Tcl function, T:148
ns_localtime Tcl function, T:149
Ns_LockMutex C function, C:208
example of, C:370, C:371, C:372
Ns_Log C function, C:209
example of, C:353, C:354, C:355, C:356, C:357, C:361, C:370, C:373, C:380, C:381, C:383, C:387
nslog module
configuring, A:88, A:98
ns_log Tcl function, T:150
example of, T:365
Ns_LogPeriodic C function, C:210
Ns_LogRaw C function, C:211
Ns_LogTime C function, C:212
Ns_MakePath C function, C:213
example of, C:355
Ns_Malloc C function, C:214
ns_malloc C function
example of, C:358, C:368, C:376, C:381
ns_method Tcl function, T:151
ns_mkdir Tcl function, T:152
Ns_MkdirWithQuota C function, C:215
ns_mktemp Tcl function, T:153
Ns_ModuleInit C function
example of, C:349, C:352, C:360, C:368, C:376
Ns_ModuleLoad C function, C:216
Ns_ModulePath C function, C:217
Ns_ModuleSymbol C function, C:218
ns_mutex Tcl function, T:154
example of, T:53
nsnlog module
configuring, A:88, A:101
Ns_NormalizePath C function, C:219
example of, C:353, C:361
ns_normalizepath Tcl function, T:156
Ns_OpenWriteWithQuota C function, C:220
Ns_PageRoot C function, C:221
example of, C:355
ns_parsehttptime Tcl function, T:157
Ns_ParseRequest C function, C:222
ns_parsesqldate Tcl function, T:158
ns_parsesqltime Tcl function, T:159
ns_parsesqltimestamp Tcl function, T:160
ns_parsetime Tcl function, T:161
ns_passwordcheck Tcl function, T:162
Ns_PathIsAbsolute C function, C:219, C:223
example of, C:355
Ns_PdDbBestRowId C function, C:402, C:406
Ns_PdDbBindRow C function, C:401, C:408
Ns_PdDbCancel C function, C:401, C:409
Ns_PdDbCleanup C function, C:400, C:410
Ns_PdDbClose C function, C:400, C:411
Ns_PdDbExec C function, C:401, C:413
Ns_PdDbFlush C function, C:401, C:414
Ns_PdDbGetRow C function, C:401, C:415
Ns_PdDbGetTableInfo C function, C:402, C:417
Ns_PdDbGetTypes C function, C:402, C:420
Ns_PdDbIndentify C function, C:402, C:421
Ns_PdDbInit C function, C:400, C:422
Ns_PdDbOpen C function, C:400, C:423
Ns_PdDbResultId C function, C:402, C:425
Ns_PdDbResultRows C function, C:402, C:426
Ns_PdDbSetMaxRows C function, C:403, C:427
Ns_PdDbTableList C function, C:401, C:428
Ns_PdFreeRowInfo C function, C:403, C:431
Ns_PdLog C function, C:403, C:432
Ns_PdParseOpenArgs C function, C:403, C:433
Ns_PdSendData C function, C:403, C:434
Ns_PdSendException C function, C:403, C:435
Ns_PdSendRowInfo C function, C:403, C:436
Ns_PdSendString C function, C:403, C:438
nsperm module, A:134
configuring, A:88, A:103
ns_perm Tcl function, T:163
ns_pooldescription Tcl function, T:166
ns_puts Tcl function, T:167
ns_queryexists Tcl function, T:168
ns_queryget Tcl function, T:169
Ns_QueryResolve C function, C:224
ns_queryresolve Tcl function, T:171
ns_quota Tcl function, T:172
Ns_QuoteHtml C function, C:226
ns_quotehtml Tcl function, T:173
Ns_ReadLockRWLock C function, C:228
Ns_ReadUnlockRWLock C function, C:229
Ns_Realloc C function, C:227
Ns_RegisterAdpCmd C function, C:230
ns_register_adptagl Tcl function, T:174
Ns_RegisterAtExit C function, C:231
Ns_RegisterFilter C function, C:232
ns_register_filter Tcl function, T:175
ns_register_proc Tcl function, T:179
example of, T:36, T:38, T:350, T:351, T:352, T:357, T:359, T:361, T:363
Ns_RegisterProxyRequest C function, C:235
Ns_RegisterRequest C function, C:238
example of, C:349, C:361, C:369
Ns_RegisterServerShutdown C function, C:240
example of, C:369
Ns_RegisterServerTrace C function, C:241
example of, C:369
Ns_RegisterShtmlCmd C function, C:242
Ns_RegisterShutdown C function, C:244
ns_register_trace Tcl function, T:181
Ns_RelativeUrl C function, C:245
Ns_ReleaseSemaphore C function, C:246
ns_rename Tcl function, T:182
Ns_Request structure, C:21
ns_requestauthorize Tcl function, T:183
Ns_RequestFree C function, C:183
ns_resetintervalstats Tcl function, T:185
ns_respond Tcl function, T:186
example of, T:41, T:357
ns_return Tcl function, T:187
example of, T:38, T:41, T:350, T:351, T:352, T:353, T:355, T:358, T:365
ns_returnbadrequest Tcl function
example of, T:43, T:359, T:360
Ns_ReturnError C function, C:247
ns_returnerror Tcl function
example of, T:365
ns_returnnotfound Tcl function
example of, T:363
ns_returnnotice Tcl function
example of, T:44, T:360, T:361
ns_returnredirect Tcl function
example of, T:42, T:358, T:365
ns_rmdir Tcl function, T:189
Ns_RmdirWithQuota C function, C:248
Ns_RollFile C function, C:249
ns_rwlock Tcl function, T:190
Ns_ScheduleDaily C function, C:250
ns_schedule_daily Tcl function, T:192
Ns_ScheduleProc C function, C:251
example of, C:369
ns_schedule_proc Tcl function, T:193
Ns_ScheduleProcEx C function, C:252
Ns_ScheduleWeekly C function, C:253
ns_schedule_weekly Tcl function, T:194
ns_searchform Tcl function, T:195
ns_searchopwidget Tcl function, T:196
ns_searchqbf Tcl function, T:197
ns_sema Tcl function, T:198
ns_sendmail Tcl function, T:199
SMTP server for, A:61
ns_server Tcl function, T:200
Ns_ServerGetContentFileCreationMode C function, C:254
Ns_ServerGetCustomErrorResponse C function, C:255
Ns_ServerGetMimeIcon C function, C:256
Ns_ServerSetDefaultMimeType C function, C:258
Ns_ServerSetNoExtensionMimeType C function, C:259
Ns_ServerSpecificAlloc C function, C:260
example of, C:352
Ns_ServerSpecificDestroy C function, C:261
Ns_ServerSpecificGet C function, C:262
Ns_ServerSpecificSet C function, C:263
Ns_ServerUpdateMimeType C function, C:264
nsservlet module
configuring, A:88, A:131
Ns_Set structure, C:17
ns_set structure, T:54
ns_set Tcl function, T:202
example of, T:37, T:39, T:55, T:351, T:353, T:355, T:356, T:357, T:364
Ns_SetCopy C function, C:265
Ns_SetCreate C function, C:266
example of, C:386
Ns_SetDelete C function, C:267
Ns_SetDeleteKey C function, C:168, C:268
Ns_SetEvent C function, C:269
ns_setexpires Tcl function, T:205
Ns_SetFind C function, C:270
Ns_SetFree C function, C:271
Ns_SetGet C function, C:272
Ns_SetIDeleteKey C function, C:273
Ns_SetIFind C function, C:274
Ns_SetIGet C function, C:275
Ns_SetIUnique C function, C:276
Ns_SetKey C function, C:277
Ns_SetLast C function, C:278
Ns_SetListFind C function, C:279
Ns_SetListFree C function, C:280
Ns_SetMerge C function, C:281
Ns_SetMove C function, C:282
Ns_SetName C function, C:283
ns_set_precision Tcl function, T:206
Ns_SetPrint C function, C:284
Ns_SetPut C function, C:285
example of, C:384, C:386
Ns_SetPutValue C function, C:286
example of, C:385
Ns_SetRequestAuthorizeProc C function, C:287
Ns_SetSize C function, C:288
example of, C:353
Ns_SetSockErrno C function, C:289
Ns_SetSplit C function, C:290
Ns_SetThreadLocalStorage C function, C:291
Ns_SetThreadPriority C function, C:292
Ns_SetThreadStackSize C function, C:293
Ns_SetTrunc C function, C:294
Ns_SetUnique C function, C:295
Ns_SetUrlToFileProc C function, C:296
example of, C:353
Ns_SetValue C function, C:297
example of, C:353
ns_share Tcl function, T:207
Ns_Shutdown C function, C:298
ns_shutdown Tcl function, T:208
Ns_SignalServer C function, C:299
Ns_SkipUrl C function, C:300
example of, C:362
ns_sleep Tcl function, T:209
nssock module
configuring, A:37, A:88, A:106
ns_sockaccept Tcl function, T:210
Ns_SockAsyncConnect C function, C:301
Ns_SockCallback C function, C:302
ns_sockcallback Tcl function, T:211
ns_sockcheck Tcl function, T:212
example of, T:216
Ns_SockCloseLater C function, C:304
Ns_SockConnect C function, C:305
ns_socketpair Tcl function, T:213
Ns_SockListen C function, C:306
ns_socklisten Tcl function, T:214
ns_sockopen Tcl function, T:215
example of, T:216
Ns_SockPipe C function, C:307
ns_sockselect Tcl function, T:216
Ns_SockSetBlocking C function, C:309
Ns_SockSetNonBlocking C function, C:310
Ns_SockStrError C function, C:311
Ns_SockTimedConnect C function, C:312
nsssl module
configuring, A:88, A:109
ns_state_delete Tcl function, T:218
ns_state_restore Tcl function, T:219
ns_state_save Tcl function, T:220
ns_state_view, T:221
Ns_StrCopy C function, C:313
Ns_StrDup C function, C:314
ns_striphtml Tcl function, T:222
ns_symlink Tcl function, T:223
ns_table Tcl function, T:224
example of, T:359
#nstcl command, G:5
Ns_TclAllocateInterp C function, C:315
Ns_TclDbGetHandle C function, C:316
example of, C:388
Ns_TclDeAllocateInterp C function, C:317
and linked interpreters, T:51
Ns_TclEnterSet C function, C:318
Ns_TclEval C function, C:319
Ns_TclFreeSet C function, C:320
Ns_TclGetSet C function, C:321
Ns_TclGetSet2 C function, C:322
Ns_TclInitInterps C function, C:323
example of, C:369, C:374, C:376, C:389
nstext module, A:47
configuring, A:89, A:110
ns_textarchive Tcl function, T:225
ns_textconfigpath Tcl function, T:226
ns_texthandlepool Tcl function, T:227
ns_textindex Tcl function, T:228
ns_texttable Tcl function, T:229
ns_thread Tcl function, T:230
Ns_ThreadYield C function, C:324
ns_time Tcl function, T:232
Ns_TimedWaitForEvent C function, C:325
ns_tmpnam Tcl function, T:233
ns_totalstats Tcl function, T:234
ns_truncate Tcl function, T:235
ns_unlink Tcl function, T:236
example of, T:365
Ns_UnlockMutex C function, C:326
example of, C:370, C:371, C:372
ns_unregister_proc Tcl function, T:237
Ns_UnRegisterRequest C function, C:327, C:328
Ns_UnscheduleProc C function, C:329
ns_unschedule_proc Tcl function, T:238
ns_upaterow Tcl function, T:241
ns_updateform Tcl function, T:239
ns_updateheader Tcl function, T:240
ns_updaterowbyid Tcl function, T:242
ns_url2file Tcl function, T:243
ns_urldecode Tcl function, T:244
ns_urlencode Tcl function, T:245
Ns_UrlIsDir C function, C:330
Ns_UrlIsMiniWeb C function, C:331, C:332
Ns_UrlSpecificAlloc C function, C:333
Ns_UrlSpecificDestroy C function, C:334
Ns_UrlSpecificGet C function, C:335
example of, C:354, C:355
Ns_UrlSpecificGetExact C function, C:336
Ns_UrlSpecificSet C function, C:337
example of, C:353, C:354
Ns_UrlToFile C function, C:338
example of, C:363
Ns_UrlToNvd C function, C:339
ns_user Tcl function, T:246
Ns_UTimedWaitForEvent C function, C:340
nsvhost module, A:111
configuration example, A:127
configuring, A:89
Ns_WaitForEvent C function, C:341
Ns_WaitForSemaphore C function, C:342
Ns_WaitForThread C function, C:343
ns_write Tcl function, T:248
example of, T:41
ns_writecontent Tcl function, T:249
example of, T:363
ns_writefp Tcl function, T:250
Ns_WriteLlockRWLock C function, C:344
Ns_WriteUnlockRWLock C function, C:345
Ns_WriteWithQuota C function, C:346
Numeric fields
in search forms, A:187
NumInterps parameter, A:87

Top of Page


open Tcl function, T:313
OpenMax parameter, A:62
arguments, C:1
data, C:2
for automatically-generated forms, A:184
for managing form data, A:183
registering, C:1
URL inheritance, C:2
Order by widgets on search results, A:195
Ousterhout, Dr. John K., T:1

Top of Page


PageRoot parameter, A:40, A:75
archiving, A:110, A:223, A:228
assets for, A:69
AutoLinking, A:223
backing up, A:171
indexing, A:110, A:223
locking, A:72
permissions for, A:146
restoring, A:228
searchable, A:110
searching, A:224
synchronizing with database, A:172
Pages directory, A:75
quota on size of, A:75
setting location of, A:40
Pagetcl example
in Tcl, T:355
Param parameter, A:114
for database, A:117
for setup server, A:67
for user, A:138
Password parameter, A:28, A:45, A:67, A:117
PATH_INFO environment variable, G:20
PATH_TRANSLATED environment variable, G:20
Permissions, A:144
default, A:134, A:145
deleting, A:151
inheritance, A:145
nsadmin, A:153
setting, A:145, A:146, A:148
tables, A:210
updating, A:152
pid Tcl function, T:315
PidFile parameter, A:62
accessible by virtual server, A:81
adding, A:43
available, A:115
C functions for, C:36
configuring, A:112, A:114, A:116
connections to, A:22, A:117
default for virtual server, A:81
definition of, A:22
diagram of, A:23
example configuration file for, A:125
for full-text module, A:110
Pools parameter, A:45, A:81
Port parameter, A:28, A:37, A:67, A:102, A:107, A:110
POST data
for operations, C:2
POST method, A:155
Postgres example
in C, C:378
Private key for SSL, A:109, A:165, A:166
private Tcl libraries, T:30
proc Tcl function, T:316
Proxy daemons, A:218
remote, A:220
pthread interface, C:32
Public key for SSL, A:165, A:166
PUT data
for operations, C:2
PUT method, A:155
puts Tcl function, T:317
pwd Tcl function, T:318

Top of Page


QUERY_STRING environment variable, G:21
Quick start setup, A:27
C functions for, C:29
configuring, A:75
Tcl functions for, T:172
QuotaSize parameter, A:75
Quotes in Tcl, T:252

Top of Page


Radio field for columns, A:205
Radio input type, A:205
RadioOrNULL input type, A:205
read Tcl function, T:319
Read/write locks
C functions for, C:29
Tcl functions for, T:190
ReceiveBufferSize parameter, A:107, A:110
Record display type, A:207
Redirect example
in Tcl, T:357
regexp Tcl function, T:320
Registered operations, C:1
C functions for, C:23
Tcl functions for, T:82, T:83, T:179, T:181
regsub Tcl function, T:323
ReinitScript parameter, A:87
Remote database proxy daemons, A:220
REMOTE_ADDR environment variable, G:22
REMOTE_HOST environment variable, G:22
RemoteHost parameter, A:114
RemotePort parameter, A:114
REMOTE_USER environment variable, G:22
rename Tcl function, T:324
Request procedure example
in Tcl, T:352, T:359
REQUEST_METHOD environment variable, G:22
Restarting the server, A:29
return Tcl function, T:325
Returning content to client example
in Tcl, T:40
ReturnMWTopPage, A:75
RollDay parameter, A:100
RollFmt parameter, A:100
RollHour parameter, A:100
RollLog parameter, A:101
RollOnSignal parameter, A:101, A:102
root user
running server as, A:59

Top of Page


scan Tcl function, T:327
Scheduled procedures
C example of, C:366
C functions for, C:29
interval for checking, A:60
Tcl functions for, T:63
SCRIPT_NAME environment variable, G:22
Search forms, A:187
example of, A:183, A:187
form data for, T:56
results for, A:188
templates for, A:227
Search results, A:188
delete button on, A:195
links to update forms, A:195
multiple sort levels for, A:195
templates for, A:196, A:227
Searchable parameter, A:110, A:224
Searching pages, A:110, A:224
for CGI programs, G:27
seek Tcl function, T:330
Select input type, A:205
Selection box for column, A:205
SelectLoop parameter, A:76
Select-loop serving, A:62, A:63, A:76
SelectLoopBufferSize parameter, A:62
SelectLoopCount parameter, A:62
SelectLoopMaxSize parameter, A:62
SelectLoopThreshold parameter, A:63
SelectOrNULL input type, A:205
SelectSQL input type, A:205
SelectSQLorNULL input type, A:205
Semicolons in Tcl, T:252
SendBufferSize parameter, A:107, A:110
SendMaxSize parameter, A:107
Server busy connections, A:74
Server log
backing up, A:173
configuration for, A:60, A:61
debug messages in, A:60, A:106, A:109
file specification for, A:63
viewing, A:33
Server statistics
Tcl functions for, T:64
server statistics, A:70
ServerBusyResponse parameter, A:76
ServerInternalErrorResponse parameter, A:76
ServerLog parameter, A:63
SERVER_NAME environment variable, G:23
Server-parsed HTML, G:1
C functions for, C:39
compared to ADPs, T:5
configuration parameters, A:84
configuring, G:2
example, G:8
mappings for, A:85
sending source for, G:10
tags, G:3
variables for, G:7
SERVER_PORT environment variable, G:23
SERVER_PROTOCOL environment variable, G:23
Server-side includes, G:4
SERVER_SOFTWARE environment variable, G:23
Server-specific data
C functions for, C:30
ServletAPIClassPath parameter, A:105
ServletAPIHome parameter, A:105
ServletConfigFile parameter, A:105
ServletHome parameter, A:105
ServletPermsFile parameter, A:105
ServletUrl parameter, A:105
ServletVerbose parameter, A:105
set Tcl function, T:331
example of, T:353
Setup server, A:25
accessing, A:25
accessing when no virtual servers are defined, A:27
accessing when server startup fails, A:26, A:31
configuration parameters, A:67
configuring, A:34
continuing after error, A:67
diagram of, A:26
editing configuration file sections, A:31
enabling, A:67
error-checking for, A:31
help for, A:30
password for, A:67
port number for, A:67
quick start, A:27
standard, A:28
tutorials for, A:33
version 2.3 features, A:10
viewing basic or advanced parameters, A:30
SGI IRIX platform
command line for, A:6
compiling C code on, C:6
multiple IP addresses for, A:39
sproc-based threads configuration, A:119
threads interface, C:32
Shared files between Tcl interpreters, T:53
Shared library module
extending AOLserver with, C:3, C:5
shared Tcl libraries, T:30
SharedGlobals parameter, A:87
SharedLibrary parameter, A:87, T:30
Shell script
including results in a page, G:4
Show headers example
in Tcl, T:351
Shutdown procedures
registering C functions for, C:3
rolling access log on, A:101, A:102
Size of file
including in a page, G:5
SizePerUser parameter, A:120
SkipLocks parameter, A:63
Small model
for access control, A:103
SMTP server, A:61
SmtpPort parameter, A:63
Sockets interface
C functions for, C:30
maximum bytes to send, A:107
number of connections for, A:106
Tcl functions for, T:64
Solaris platform
compiling C code on, C:6
multiple IP addresses for, A:39
threads interface, C:32
SOLID database, A:112
Solid database, A:216
SOLID database driver, A:181
Solid database driver
example configuration file, A:125
Sort levels on search results, A:195
Source for Server-parsed HTML, G:10
source Tcl function, T:332
Spaces in Tcl, T:252
split Tcl function, T:333
C functions for, C:37
definition of, A:182
downloading for table data, A:213
executing, A:216
for column values, A:205
for table definition, A:212
Tcl example of, T:42, T:44, T:361
SSL, A:165
requirements for, A:165
using, A:170
StackSize parameter, A:64
Standard input
as CGI input, G:24
Standard output
from CGI, G:24
State data, maintaining, T:58
configuring, A:111
Tcl functions for, T:64
Statistics example
in C, C:8, C:366
Statistics, server
Tcl functions for, T:64
Status header, G:26
Storage and retrieval
C functions for, C:30
strftime formats, G:6
string Tcl function, T:334
switch Tcl function, T:336
Sybase proxy daemon, A:218

Top of Page


C functions for, C:37
creating, A:191
customizing, A:194
deleting, A:208
description, A:195
downloading data for, A:213
entering data into, A:210
extending, A:207
permissions for, A:210
searching, A:209
SQL definition of, A:212
uploading data for, A:215
Tcl and the Tk Toolkit, T:1
configuration parameters, A:86
examples for, T:35
examples of, T:54, T:349
function categories, T:60
function reference, T:68
linked interpreters, T:51
maintaining state, T:58, T:64
shared files, T:53
Tcl-only modules, T:32, T:58
tutorial, T:35
version 2.1 features, A:13
Tcl extension example
in C, C:374, C:375
Tcl language
book about, T:1
reference for, T:251
syntax for, T:252
variables used by, T:338
Tcl libraries
private and shared, T:30
Tcl scripts
backing up, A:174
building and debugging, T:34
caching, A:88, A:89, T:88
executing with Server-parsed HTML, G:5
for access control, A:134
for automatically-generated forms, A:189
order of evaluation, T:32
private directory for, A:87
run at startup, A:86
run before each script, A:87
shared directory for, A:87
Tcl_AppendResult C function
example of, C:371, C:388, C:389
Tcl_CreateCommand C function
example of, C:371, C:374, C:377, C:389
Tcl-only modules, T:32, T:58
Tcl_SetResult C function
example of, C:388
Tcp wrapper functions, A:108
TcpWrappers parameter, A:108
tell Tcl function, T:341
for automatically-generated forms and results pages, A:196
for full text forms, A:227
Text fields
in search forms, A:187
Textarea input type, A:205
Textarea widget for columns, A:205
Threads interface
C functions for, C:31
maximum number of threads, A:74
minimum number of threads, A:74
minimum thread lifetime, A:74
number of threads to start server with, A:61
SGI IRIX configuration, A:119
Tcl functions for, T:65
thread stack size, A:64
vendor-specific, C:32
Time tcl function, T:342
TimeOut parameter, A:108, A:111
current, G:7
format in SHTML, G:6
Greenwich Mean Time, G:7
C example of, C:366
registering C functions for, C:3
TrailerFindEnd parameter, A:76
TrailerFmt parameter, A:76
adding to pages, G:9
date/time format for, A:76
enabling HTML in, A:76
placement of, A:76
text for, A:76
TrailerText parameter, A:76
TrailerType parameter, A:76
TrimData parameter, A:114
Type checking
in forms, A:186
Type, for column input, A:205

Top of Page


Uid parameter, A:64
Umask parameter, A:64
UnauthorizedResponse parameter, A:77
Unix platforms
command line for, A:5
directory permissions, A:75
file permissions, A:64, A:71
group name, A:60
group number, A:60
shared library modules, C:3, C:5
user name, A:64
user's home directory, C:191
unknown Tcl function, T:343
unset Tcl function, T:344
Update forms, A:185
delete button on, A:195
form data for, T:57
links from search results, A:195
using, A:185
Update results
templates for, A:196
uplevel Tcl function, T:345
Uploading table data, A:215
upvar Tcl function, T:346
URL to file translations
C example of, C:350
C functions for, C:24
configuring, A:50, A:79
default files for, A:71
subdirectory for ~username URLs, A:77
binding to C functions, C:1
C functions for, C:24
default file for, A:71
for "Not Found" response, A:75
for "Unauthorized" status, A:77
for automatically-generated forms, A:184
for internal server errors, A:76
for managing form data, A:183
in column value, A:206
inheritance for registered operations, C:2
running CGI programs with, G:16
setting permissions for, A:146
URL-specific data
C functions for, C:30
UseAppLicenseKeys parameter, A:113
user home directory, A:103
User ID, A:64
User parameter, A:28, A:44, A:64, A:118
UserDir parameter, A:103
UserMapDir parameter, A:77
conflicts with aliasing, A:52
database, A:118
Unix user, A:64
Users, A:134
adding, A:134
deleting, A:136
password for, A:135, A:138
updating, A:139

Top of Page


Variable substitution in Tcl, T:253
Variables used by Tcl, T:338
Verbose parameter, A:77, A:118
VeriSign Digital ID certificate, A:165, A:167
Version 2.1 features, A:7
Virtual hosting
configuration example, A:127
nsvhost module for, A:111
Virtual servers
accessing database pools from, A:45
adding, A:35
adding module to, A:41
configuration parameters, A:67
configuring, A:35
default capabilities for, A:23
default pool for, A:81
definition of, A:22
diagram of, A:23, A:25, A:26
example configuration file for, A:122
name of, A:68
optional modules for, A:24
pools accessible by, A:81
setting port or address for, A:37

Top of Page


Webmaster parameter, A:77
while Tcl function, T:347
White space in Tcl, T:252
WinCGI example
in Tcl, T:362
Write locks
C functions forr, C:29
Tcl functions for, T:190

Top of Page


Xferlog logging system, A:162

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