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Server-Parsed HTML Example

This example HTML file uses several server-parsed HTML commands.

    <HEAD><TITLE>Server-Parsed HTML Example</TITLE></HEAD>
    <!--#config timefmt="%c" 
    <!--#config sizefmt="bytes" -->
    It is now <!--#echo var="DATE_LOCAL" --> where I am, 
    and you are using the
    <!--#echo var="HTTP_USER_AGENT" --> browser.
    This file was last modified at
    <!--#flastmod file="servpars.shtml" -->, and it is
    <!--#fsize file="servpars.shtml" --> bytes long.
    The latest news is:
    <!--#include virtual="/news/latest.html" -->
    You are the <!--#exec cgi="/cgi-bin/count_access" -->
    visitor to this page.
    That's all folks!

After the server parses this example, the HTML sent to the reader might look like this:

    <HEAD><TITLE>Server-Parsed HTML Example</TITLE></HEAD>
    It is now 24-Mar-96 03:15:56 where I am, 
    and you are using the AOLpress/1.1 browser.
    This file was last modified at 15-Jan-96 15:15:56, 
    and it is 555 bytes long.
    The latest news is:
    <PRE>No news is good news!</PRE>
    You are the 42nd visitor to this page.
    That's all folks!

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