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Build an SQL timestamp from specified month, day, year, time, and AM/PM designation


ns_buildsqltimestamp month day year time ampm


ns_buildsqltimestamp returns an SQL timestamp out of the specified month, day, year, time and am/pm designation. The month can be the month number (1 - 12) or the full, capitalized month name (January, February, ..., December). The day must be a number from 1 - 31, and the year must be a 4-digit year (e.g., 1957). The time must be the clock time from 1:00 to 12:59, not military time. The time may optionally include seconds (e.g., 1:00:00 to 12:59:59). The am/pm designation must be the text "AM" or "PM". An error is returned if any of the argument values are invalid.

The resulting SQL timestamp can be used in an SQL statement.

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