Configuring Server-Parsed HTML
You control the behavior of server-parsed HTML using the server setup pages. You can enable or disable server parsing, and you can control which files and directories are parsed. Note that if you use multiple virtual servers, you will need to configure server-parsed HTML for each virtual server.
The Commercial service level is pre-configured for server-parsed HTML..
To add and configure server-parsed HTML:
- Access the setup server in one of the ways described in the "Accessing the Setup Server" section.
- On the Setup AOLserver page, follow the Virtual Servers link. The Setup Virtual Servers page lists all the virtual servers you have defined.
- Decide which virtual server should parse pages. If the arrow next to that virtual server is a right arrow, click the right arrow so it becomes a down arrow. You see a page that lists the currently-defined parameters, capabilities, and loaded modules for that virtual server.
- Follow the Server-parsed HTML link. You will see a page showing the parameters for server-parsed HTML.
- Modify the values of any parameters you want to change. You can see online help about each parameter by clicking the information booth icon at the top of the page.
- Click the Update button. AOLserver will validate your changes and, if no errors are detected, write the information to the configuration file. If it finds any errors, AOLserver will inform you of the error and you will need to modify the parameters before the information can be written to the configuration file.