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Send a row to the client.


    void Ns_PdSendRowInfo(Ns_PdRowInfo * rowInfo);


This function sends a row encapsulated in an Ns_PdRowInfo structure to the client.

Psuedo-code Example

    /* Things italicized would be your DBMS-specific structures and 
calls. */
    /* defined in nspd.h */ 
    typedef struct Ns_PdRowData {
    int elSize;
    char *elData;

} Ns_PdRowData; typedef struct Ns_PdRowInfo { int numColumns; Ns_PdRowData *rowData; }; void DBMSFunction (void) { /* similiar to Ns_PdDbGetTableInfo */ Ns_PdRowInfo *getRowInfo, *bindRowInfo; /* Exec SQL and "select" data from a table */ /* ... */ if ((bindRowInfo = DBMSBindRow(state)) != NULL) { getRowInfo = Ns_PdNewRowInfo(Ns_PdGetRowInfoNumColumns(bindRowInfo)); if (getRowInfo != NULL) { status = NS_OK; Ns_PdSendString(OK_STATUS); Ns_PdSendRowInfo(bindRowInfo); /* sends list of column names */ while ((getRowRet = DBMSGetRow(handle, getRowInfo)) == NS_OK) { /* send row info */ Ns_PdSendRowInfo(getRowInfo); } Ns_PdSendData(END_DATA, strlen(END_DATA)); /* NULL row terminates rows */ if (getRowRet == DB_END_DATA) { status = NS_OK; } else { Ns_PdLog(Error, "GetTableInfo: incomplete data sent to client."); } /* free the getRowInfo structure when done */ Ns_PdFreeRowInfo(getRowInfo, 0); } /* free the bindRowInfo data and structure when done */ Ns_PdFreeRowInfo(bindRowInfo, 1); } }

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