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Example 1: hello

The following example provides a single request function which handles the /helloworld URL, returning 'Hello'. This module is the simplest of the AOLserver example modules.

This example can be found in the examples/c/hello directory.

    #include "ns.h"
     * This is the simplest possible example of adding a C module 
     * to the AOLserver.
     * The Ns_ModuleVersion exported integer is used to verify
     * this module version when loaded.  For AOLserver 2.0,
     * 1 (one) is the only valid value for this variable.
    DllExport int Ns_ModuleVersion = 1;
    static Ns_OpProc Hello;
     * The Ns_ModuleInit function is the function the AOLserver
     * will call each time the module is loaded into a virtual
     * server.  The function is passed two parameters:
     * hServer:   The server `handle' as a string. This is the
     *            short name given to the virutal server such
     *            as `server1'.
     * hModule:   The module `handle' as a string. This is the
     *            short name given to the module such as `hello'
     * For example, if this module is known as `hello' and loaded
     * into the `server1' server with entries similar to the following
     * in the nsd.ini file:
     * [ns\servers]
     * server1=My First Server
     * [ns\server1\modules]
     * hello=hello.dll    ; or hello.so on Unix platforms
     * This function would be called with "server1" and "hello" as
     * its arguments.
    DllExport int
    Ns_ModuleInit(char *hServer, char *hModule)
        Ns_RegisterRequest(hServer, "GET", "/helloworld", Hello, 
    					NULL, NULL, 0);
        return NS_OK;
    static int
    Hello(Ns_OpContext context, Ns_Conn *conn)
        char html[]="<HTML><BODY>Hello World.</BODY></HTML>";
        Ns_ConnReturnHtml(conn, 200, html, strlen(html));
        return NS_OK; 

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