AOLserver and Tcl linkswww.aolserver.com - The Official AOLserver web site - this is hosted by SourceForge and provides access to the sources, bug tracking and the like, plus documentation AOLserver Wiki - community site with a documentation improvement project in progress. www.tcl.tk - The Official Tcl web site. Here are some particularly useful resources:
Tcl packages (written in C, except TCLLIB) that we use:
Philip Greenspun's AOLserver and Tcl resources.Philip has made significant contributions to the AOLserver and Web Development communities. Most notably he wrote Philip and Alex's Guide to Web Publishing, which happened to recommend our AOLserver hosting services ;-), designed and taught MIT's first Software Engineering course on Web development, convinced AOL to take AOLserver Open Source, and founded ArsDigita which created what ultimately became OpenACS - a sophisticated Open-Source toolkit for building community Websites based on AOLserver. He co-wrote a nice Tcl tutorial - Tcl for Web Nerds. Finally, check out the MIT book/course Software Engineering for Internet Applications he also co-wrote - not specific to Tcl or AOLserver but is a good introductory book/course on Web application development (includes a good 'get to the point' intro to HTML). |