Connect to a remote host on the specified port
ns_sockopen ?-nonblock | -timeout seconds? host port
ns_sockopen uses socket(), bind(), and connect() calls to connect to the remote host (host) on the specified port (port). ns_sockopen returns a list of two file ids: the first one for reads and the second one for writes.
The -nonblock option specifies that ns_sockopen will return immediately, while the connect is still in progress by the operating system. If you use -nonblock, you then can call ns_sockcheck with the write file id to see if the connect was actually completed.
The -timeout option specifies how long to wait for the connect to be made in seconds before timing out.
This is a simple example that fetches a page from an http server ( on port 80. The headers will be in the $headers
list, and the body will be in the $page
set fds [ns_sockopen 80] set rid [lindex $fds 0] set wid [lindex $fds 1] puts $wid "GET /index.htm HTTP/1.0\r\n\r" flush $wid while {[set line [string trim [gets $rid]]] != ""} { lappend headers $line } set page [read $rid] close $rid close $wid
A more advanced example containing ns_sockopen is provided under ns_sockselect.