<!--#include file="..."-->
tag at the end of all your pages.
, the trailers aren't added.
in a text area on the Setup Virtual Server page. It can contain text and HTML tags. The contents of TrailerText
are URL-encoded in the configuration file. For example, if you want a trailer like this:
--------------------------------------------------------- Comments to web@me.com Copyright © 1995, Me Inc. Last modified: Nov-15-1995
variable adds the most recent modification date of the file to the trailer. This date can be different for different files.
specifies the date/time format to use for the :LASTMOD:
variable used in the example that follows. You can use the formats on Date and Time Formats.
tells the AOLserver to insert the trailer just before any </BODY>
and </HTML>
end tags. If you don't set it or you set it to "no", the trailer is added after these end tags, and some browsers (including AOLpress) will ignore the trailer.